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Diel cycles of arsenic (As) speciation and partitioning: High resolution monitoring in a coastal system

Melina Abdou∗1, J ̈org Scha ̈fer†1, Mary-Lou Tercier-Waeber2, Teba Gil D ́ıaz1, Alexandra Coynel1, C ́ecile Bossy1, Herv ́e Derriennic1, Miquel Coll Crespi2, and G ́erard Blanc1 



Geochemical characterization of Traffic Related Elements (TRE) in solids samples in road environments

Ewa Adamiec 


Sulfur isotope analysis of medical sample by MC-ICP-MS

Emmanuelle Albalat∗†1, Philippe Telouk1, Vincent Balter1, Victor Paky Bondanese1, and Francis Albar`ede1 


Evaluation of aluminum mobility and distribution in sediments of a tropical reservoir in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Aline Mansur Almeida1, Maria Angélica V. Wasserman2, Renato Gomes Sobral Barcellos3, Daniel Vidal Perez4, and Julio Cesar Wasserman5 


Iron isotopic composition of blood serum in anemia of chronic kidney disease

Yulia Anoshkina∗1, Marta Costas-Rodriguez1, Marijn Speeckaert2, Joris Delanghe3, and Frank Vanhaecke†1 


Magnetic susceptibility predicts trace metal contamination levels in house dust from Athens, Greece.

Ariadne Argyraki 1 *, Efstratios Kelepertzis 1, Foteini Botsou 2 


Kinetic study of time dependant fixation of U(VI) on biochar from aqueous solution

Ahmed Ashry Abdelaal∗1, Elizabeth H. Bailey1, Simon R.n. Chenery2, and Scott D. Young1 


Cancer-driven isotopic fractionation

Vincent Balter1


PM10 characterization from 3 polluted sites impacted by oil extraction and refinery activities in Amazon and Pacific Coast regions of Ecuador

Fiorella Barraza1, G.Uzu2, E. Schreck1, H.Guyard2, A. Calas2, J.Jaffrezo2, L.Villacreces3, L.Maurice1* 


Uptake and bioaccumulation of Cd in cacao beans in areas impacted by oil activities in Ecuador

Fiorella Barraza∗1, Eva Schreck†1, Thibaut L ́evˆeque1, Gaelle Uzu2, Fausto Lopez1, Jenny Ruales3, and Laurence Maurice1 


Health risk assessment in farmlands contaminated by metallic mining activity under calcareous context and Mediterranean climate

Im`ene Bejaoui1, Na ̈ıma Kolsi-Benzina1, Val ́erie Sappin-Didier2, and Marguerite Munoz∗ † 3 



δ65Cu isotope analysis to trace copper-based fungicides in contrasting vineyard soils

Simon Blotevogel∗1, Priscia Oliva1, J ́eroˆme Viers1, Laurence Denaix2, Stephane Audry1, Jos ́e Darrozes1, Laurent Orgogozo1, Pierre Courjault-Rad ́e1, Jonathan Prunier1, and Eva Schreck†1 


Understanding of chromium speciation, availability and release in mining areas: the Barro Alto and Cromin ́ıa systems (Goi ́as state, Brazil).

Viviana Bolan ̃os∗1, Sivry Yann†2, J ́er ́emie Garnier3, C ́ecile Quantin4, Mickael Tharaud2, Jean-Louis Birck2, Piet Lens5, and Eric Van Hullebusch6 


Hypoxia induces copper stable isotope fractionation in hepatocellular carcinoma, in a HIF-independent manner

Victor P Bondanese*†1, Aline Lamboux1, Melanie Simon1, Jerome Lafont2, Emmanuelle Albalat1, Sylvain Pichat1, Jean-Marc Vanacker3, Philippe Telouk1, Vincent Balter1, Philippe Oger1 and Francis Albarède†1 


A Chinese Imprint in Insoluble Pollutants Recently Deposited in Central Greenland As Indicated by Lead Isotopes

Aloys Bory∗†1, Wafa Abouchami2, Stephen Galer2, Anders Svensson3, John Christensen4, and Pierre Biscaye5 


Monitoring Saharan dust chemical variability on the West African margin

Aloys Bory∗†1, Charlotte Skonieczny2, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles1, Sylvie Philippe1, Quentin Louis1, D ́eborah Ponlev ́e1, Aboubacry Diallo3, and Thierno Ndiaye3 



Anna Bourliva∗†1, Lambrini Papadopoulou‡1, Elina Aidona§2, Katerina Giouri¶1, Georgios Vourlias∥3, and Konstantinos Simeonidis∗∗4 




Jean-Loup Cadiou∗1, Victor Bondanese , Francis Albarede2, Philippe Oger , and Sylvain Pichat 





Time-Series (1991-2014) Trends of Technology-Critical Elements Accumulation in Mussels from a Urban Coastal Area (Vigo Ria, NW Iberian Peninsula)

Antonio Cobelo-Garcia∗1, Patricia Neira , Jo ̈rg Scha ̈fer , Juan Santos-Echeand ́ıa , Victoria Besada , and Juan Bellas 


High precision isotopic analysis of Cu in a murine model with induced-liver cirrhosis

Marta Costas-Rodríguez1, Lindsey Devisscher2, Hans Van Vlierberghe2 and Frank Vanhaecke1* 


Chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water and oncological disease mortality, Slovak Republic

Veronika Cveckova∗1, Katarina Fajcikova1, Beata Stehlikova , and Stanislav Rapant1 


Fuegian Peatlands: Recorders of Environmental Changes since the last deglaciation.

Francois De Vleeschouwer∗†1, Heleen Vanneste2, Natalia Piotrowska3, S ́ebastien Bertrand4, Andrea Coronato5, Dmitri Mauquoy6, and Gael Le Roux7 


Japanese PEat records of ATmospheric deposition of artificial radionuclides (J-PEAT): Impacts of Fukushima accident and implications for radiochronology

Fran ̧cois De Vleeschouwer∗†1, Ga ̈el Le Roux‡ , Jeroen Sonke§ , Pieter Van Beek¶ , Marc Souhaut∥ , Laurent Pourcelot∗∗ , Olivier Masson†† , Rodolpho Guarriaran‡‡ , Paul Hughes , Natalia Piotrowska , Masaharu Tanimizu , and Stefan Hotes 


Peat bogs from Amsterdam Island (South Indian Ocean): Preliminary results on Holocene environmental changes.

Chuxian Li1, François De Vleeschouwer1, Natalia Piotrowska2, Pieter van Beek3, Marc Souhaut3, Gaël Le Roux1, Nathalie Van der Putten4, Jeroen Sonke5 


Cu-Zn-Pb multi isotopic characterization of a small watershed (Loire river basin, France)

Anne-Marie Desaulty∗1, Sebastien Perret , Romain Millot , and Xavier Bourrain 






Impact of a zinc processing factory on surrounding surficial soil contamination

David Dumoulin1, Ludovic Lesven∗1, Nicolas Proix2, H ́el`ene Fr ́erot3, Maxime Pauwels3, Pierre Saumitou-Laprade3, and Gabriel Billon1 


Copper Isotope Metallomics and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

T. Gabriel Enge∗†1, Anthony Dosseto‡1, Heath Ecroyd2, and Dianne Jolley3 


Newcastle Allotments Lead Biomonitoring Study: an investigation into the relationship between the blood lead concentration of gardeners and the solid phase partitioning and bioaccessibility of soil lead.

Jane Entwistle∗†1, Patrick Amaibi2, Lindsay Bramwell3, Mark Cave4, John Dean2, Michael Deary1, Jackie Morton5, and Joanna Wragg4 


Surprisingly low oral bioaccessibility of metallic contaminants in waste dusts from laterite Ni ore smelting

Vojtech Ettler∗1, Ladislav Polak1, Martin Mihaljevic1, Gildas Ratie2,3, Jeremie Garnier3, and Cecile Quantin2 



Sources of air pollution in Karkonosze Mountains (SW Poland) using a peat record spanning for 300 years.

Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł1*, Francois De Vleeschouwer2, Edyta Łokas3, Beata Smieja-Król4 


Iron chemical speciation in atmospherically processed industrial aerosols

Pascal Flament∗†1, H ́elo ̈ıse Delpouve1, Karine Deboudt1, and Eug`ene Bychkov1 



Increasing Exposure Risks during Photochemical Transformation of Synthetic Musks: A Modeling Study

Yanpeng Gao1, Guiying Li2, Yuemeng Ji3, and Taicheng An∗2,4 


Assessment of Graphene toxicity on a benthic freshwater diatom Nitzschia palea Interaction of carbon nanoparticles with algal biofilm

Marion Garacci∗1, Ma ̈ıalen Barret1, Florence Mouchet1, Cyril Sarrieu2, Emmanuel Flahaut2, Laury Gauthier1, J ́eroˆme Silvestre1, and Eric Pinelli†1 


Behaviour of inorganic tin along the Gironde fluvial-estuarine continuum: implications for dispersion and fate scenarios of accidental radionuclide release

Thomas Gardes1, Teba Gil-Dıaz∗1, J ̈org Scha ̈fer†2, Frederique Pougnet1, Melina Abdou1, Alexandra Coynel1, Cecile Bossy1, Lionel Dutruch1, Angelique Husson1, Her 


Raw and thermally modified diasporic bauxite as an effective binder of Pb in aqueous solutions.

Maria-Anna Gatou∗1, Ariadne Argyraki∗1, and Vassilis Zotiadis2 




A preliminary approach to multiple radionuclide NPP accidental release and dispersion in the Gironde Estuary (France)

Teba Gil-Díaza, Jörg Schäfera, Frédérique Pougneta, Angélique Hussona, Thomas Gardesa, Lionel Dutrucha , Cécile Bossya, Frédérique Eyrolle-Boyerb, Alexandra Coynela, Gérard Blanca 


Advances in Pelotherapy

Celso De Sousa Figueiredo Gomes∗1, Jorge Gomes†2, and Joa ̃o Silva‡2 



Evaluation of the remineralization rates of nutrients in sediments in a hypersaline lagoon

Teresa Guimara ̃es∗†1, Kaylanne Montenegro1, Ricardo Keim1, and Julio Wasserman∗‡1 


Zn Isotope Fractionation during Sorption onto Kaolinite

Damien Guinoiseau1, Alexandre Gelabert2, Julien Moreau , Pascale Louvat3, and Marc Benedetti∗ † 4 


Iodine in Soils: Geochemical Dynamics and Availability to Plants

O. S. Humphrey∗†1,2, M. J. Watts2, S. D. Young1, E. H. Bailey1, E. L. Ander2, and N. M. J. Crout1 


Variability in the transfer of potentially toxic elements in vegetables grown on urban allotment gardens

Andrew Hursthouse∗1, Alaba Agboola2, Simon Cuthbert2, and Roslyn Mcintosh2 



Arsenic-rich smelter dust transformation in contrasting soils: a long-term in situ study

Alice Jarosikova∗†1, Martin Mihaljevic1, Vit Penizek2, and Vojtech Ettler1 




Iodine in natural waters within geochemically different areas contaminated after the Chernobyl accident

Lyudmila Kolmykova∗1, Elena Korobova†1, and Boris Ryzhenko‡1 


Deterioration of Vital Water Resource: Risk Assessment

Samira Korfali∗†1 and Mey Jurdi2 





Does oxidation degree influence the toxicity of multi-layer graphene in Xenopus laevis larvae?

Laura Lagier∗1, Florence Mouchet1, St ́ephanie Cadarsi1, Antoine Mottier1, Emmanuel Flahaut2, Cyril Sarrieu2, Izabela Janowska3, M ́enard-Moyon C ́ecilia4, Bianco Alberto4, Ester Vazquez5, Eric Pinelli1, and Laury Gauthier†1 



Interdisciplinary methodologies for high precision isotopic characterization of biological processes

Dr Fiona Larner1,2, Professor Alex N Halliday1 


Influence of soil texture on TiO2 nanoparticle fate in wheat crop

Camille Larue∗†1,2, Cl ́ement Baratange1, Suzy Surbl ́e3, St ́ephanie Sorieul4, Anne-Marie Flank5, Hicham Khodja3, and Marie Carriere2,6 


Cu isotopic signature in blood serum of liver transplant patients: A follow-up study

Sara Lauwens∗1, Marta Costas-Rodriguez1, Hans Van Vlierberghe2, and Frank Vanhaecke† 1 


Geochemical environmental archives for human-environmental observatories

Gael Le Roux∗1,2, Francois De Vleeschouwer†3, Franco Biondi , Nuno Duraes , Maxime Enrico4,5,6, Salome Fernandes Pinheiro De Almeida , Sophia Hansson7, Peter Outridge , William Shotyk8, Jeroen Sonke9, and Paula Marinho† 


Trace metal legacy on mountains aquatic ecogeochemistry: TRAM

Gael Le Roux∗1, Adrien Claustres1, St ́ephane Binet1,2, Francois De Vleeschouwer†1, Laure Gandois1, Sophia Hansson3, Florence Mazier4, Anaelle Simonneau5, Roman Teissereinc3, and Tram Team6 


Deciphering anthropogenic trace metal sources and physicochemical processes affecting the Urban Area of Taipei on the Danshui System (NE Taiwan)

Antoine Lerat∗†1, Alexandra Coynel‡1, Rita Yam2, Fi-John Chang2, Alexia Legeay1, Magalie Baudrimont1, Agn`es Feurtet-Mazel1, Laureline Gorse1, Lionel Dutruch1, C ́ecile Bossy1, G ́erard Blanc1, and Georges Vachaud3 


Redox behavior of arsenic in surface sediments of Marque River (Northern France)

Ludovic Lesven∗†1, Josselin Gorny1, David Dumoulin1, Catherine Noiriel2, Benoit Mad ́e3, and Gabriel Billon1 


Assessment of Pollution Levels and Human Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Dust Deposited on Urban Tree Leaves (case study: Yerevan)

Nairuhi Maghakyan 1, *, Gevorg Tepanosyan 1, Lilit Sahakyan 1, Olga Belyaeva 1, Armen Saghatelyan 1 



Influence of size and surface coating on silver nanoparticles uptake by Gammarus fossarum

Kahina Mehennaoui∗†1,2, Sebastien Cambier1, Tommaso Serchi1, Francois Guerold2, Laure Giamberini3, and Arno Gutleb1 


Urban geochemistry of heavy metals in soils of Hamedan City, Iran

1Dr. Soroush Modabberi, 2Dr. Mahsa Tashakor*, 3Neda Sharifi Soltani, 4Professor Andrew S Hursthouse 



Christiane Monte∗1, Ana Paula Rodrigues1, Alexandre Freitas1, Aline Freire2, Ricardo Santelli2, and Wilson Machad01 



Christiane Monte∗1, Ana Paula Rodrigues1, Thatiane Neves1, Ricardo Vasques1, Patr ́ıcia Arau ́jo2, Zuleica Castilhos2, Olaf Malm3, and Wilson Machado1 


A new opportunity to do things ‘right’: consider chemical speciation from scratch when studying TCEs

Montserrat Filella


High Precision Zinc Stable Isotope Composition of Certified Biological Reference Materials

Rebekah Moore∗†1, Fiona Larner2, and Mark Rehkamper1 


Mercury and other trace elements contamination of the urban area of Mexico City: Use of ficus benjamina as biomonitor

Ofelia Morton-Bermea, Elizabeth Hernández-Álvarez, Sara Laura Ordoñez-Godinez 


Ecotoxicity of nano-carbon allotropes in X. laevis larvae, the choice of the right dose-metric

Antoine Mottier∗1, Florence Mouchet1, Christophe Laplanche1, St ́ephanie Cadarsi1, Laura Lagier1, Cyril Sarrieu2, Eric Pinelli1, Laury Gauthier1, and Emmanuel Flahaut†2 


Mercury contamination in wastes of water treatment in Juturna ́ıba Lake, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Letcia Oliveira-Silva1, Julio Cesar Wasserman∗2, and Gabriela Depontes2 


Using soil geochemical data as environmental records of past industrial activities (Wallonia, South Belgium)

Benoit Pereira∗1, Hugues Titeux , Andree Marijns , Charles Passelecq , Julie Leclercq , Andre Lox , and Philippe Sonnet 



Organotin speciation and distribution along the fluvial-estuarine continuum of the Gironde Estuary (France)

Pougnet F., Husson A., Gil-Díaz T., Dutruch L., Derriennic H., Coynel A., Blanc G., Schäfer J. 


Unique spatio-teporal records of air pollution from urban sediment archives and their significance for understanding health

Ann Powers∗1, Alex Stewart†1,2, John Love1, Richard Jones1, Christine Gosden1, and Annie Worsley3 


Influence of chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water on health status of inhabitants of the Slovak Republic

Stanislav Rapant∗1, Veronika Cveckova1, Katarina Fajcikova1, Jana Michalcova , and Beata Stehlikova 


Ni mobility in a Brazilian lateritic regolith (Barro Alto, Goi ́as Sate) : what can we learn from Ni isotopes and quantitative solid speciation

Gildas Ratie∗1,2, Jeremie Garnier2, Delphine Vantelon3, Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier4, Edi Guimaraes2, Emmanuel Ponzevera5, and Cecile Quantin1 


Nickel isotope fractionation during laterite Ni ore smelting and refining: Implications for tracing the sources of Ni in smelter-affected soils

Gildas Ratie∗1,2, C ́ecile Quantin1, Vojtech Ettler3, Yann Sivry4, Lucieth Cruz Vieira2, Damien Calmels1, Emmanuel Ponzevera5, and Jeremie Garnier2 


A new dual isotope approach to investigate the effects of ageing on ZnO nanoparticles in soils at field relevant concentrations

Adam Laycock∗1,2, Ana Romero-Freire3,4, Jens Najorka5, Claus Svendsen6, Cornelis A. M. Van Gestel3, and Mark Rehkamper†1 


Understanding the solid-phase fractionation of lead in house dust samples and its role in oral bioavailability and human exposure: a challenging task

Amelia Reis∗†1, Mark Cave2, Joanna Wragg2, Yves Noack3, Carla Patinha1, Ana Dias1, and Antonio Sousa4 


Pollution trends of trace metals in remote areas of Central Mexico: mercury and lead in sediments from high altitude mountain lakes.



Heavy metal Pollution and Health risk assessment of kindergartens topsoil (case study of Yerevan)

Lilit Sahakyan∗†1, Gevorg Tepanosyan1, Nairuhi Maghakyan1, Mkhitar Kafyan1, and Armen Saghatelyan1 


Mercury fluxes to mangrove saltmarsh sediments from a subtropical coastal lagoon (Gulf of California)

Joan-Albert Sanchez-Cabeza∗†1, Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fern ́andez1, Libia Hascibe Perez-Bernal1, Jorge Serrato De La Pen ̃a2, Vladislav Carnero-Bravo2, Jos ́e Gilberto Cardoso-Mohedano3, and Jos ́e Rigoberto Raygoza-Viera4 




Trees' response to anthropogenic environmental changes: bio-monitoring of industrial area nearby nitrogen plant in the most industrialized part of Poland

Barbara Sensuła 1,  Sławomir Wilczyński 2, Laurence Monin 3,  Natalia Piotrowska 1,  Allan Mohammed 4, Anna Pazdur 1,  Nathalie Fagel 4


Impact of artisanal mining in Idjwi sud (D.R.Congo) according to environment protection and sustainable development

Guy Shungu∗1


Iodine in the plant: there’s more going on than is usually realised: a literature review

Alex Stewart∗1


Platinum group elements (PGEs) from automobile catalysts: Bioaccessibility and exposure to humans

Veronika Sucha∗1, Martin Mihaljevic2, Vojtech Ettler2, Ladislav Strnad3, and Mariana Klementova4 


Temporal trends in concentrations and speciation of sulfur and selenium in rainwater

Elke Suess∗1,2 and Lenny Winkel†1,2


Tracing multi-isotopically labelled CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in the environment: an assessment of the method’s strengths and limits

N. Izyan Supiandi∗†1, Y. Sivry‡1, G. Charron2, L. Cordier1, J.-M. Guigner3, and M. F. Benedetti1 



1Ričardas Taraškevičius*, 1Jurga Motiejūnaitė, 2Alvydas Karalius, 2Agnė Eigminienė, 1Rimantė Zinkutė, 3Žilvinas Stankevičius 



Electrogenic sulfur oxidation drives biogeochemical cycling of As and Co in the coastal seafloor

Sebastiaan Van De Velde∗†1, Ine Callebaut1, Yue Gao1, and Filip Meysman1,2 


Physico-chemical characterisation and tracing of dust deposition in snow from Dronning Maud Land, NE Antarctica

Aubry Vanderstraeten∗†1, Steeve Bonneville1, Karine Deboudt2, Pascal Flament2, Steven Goderis3, Fran ̧cois De Vleeschouwer4, Gael Le Roux4, Reto Gier ́e5, Morgane Philippe1, Jean-Louis Tison1, Vinciane Debaille1, and Nadine Mattielli1 


Mapping the effect of soil metal concentration on terrestrial organisms at regional scale (Wallonia - Belgium)

Aubry Vandeuren∗1, Benoit Pereira†1, Philippe Sonnet‡1, and Koen Oorts§2 


Evaluation of the water mixing in a shallow rectified tropical river and its implications for water management

Julio Cesar Wasserman∗1, Ricardo Keim2, Myriam Coˆrtes2, and Renato Barcellos3 


Spatial distribution of the concentration of nutrients in sediments in the Araruama hypersaline Lagoon - RJ, Brazil

Julio Cesar Wasserman∗1, Kaylanne Montenegro2, Teresa Guimara ̃es2, Aline Almeida2, and Ricardo Keim2 


Biomonitoring and environmental assessment of multiple arsenic exposure routes in Cornwall, UK

Michael Watts∗†1,2, Daniel Middleton , Elliott Hamilton , Rebecca Close , Louise Ander , Helen Crabbe , Karen Exley , Andrew Marriott , Amy Rimell , Giovanni Leonardi , Tony Fletcher , and David Polya 


Soil type influences crop mineral composition in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Michael Watts∗†1,2, Valerie Mccormack , Michael Oresto , Daniel Middleton , Louise Ander , and John Lyamuya 








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